Jinošov Quarry
The renaturation effort began in 2015, with the goal of restoring the local habitat. Wind-propagated shrubs were removed and two pools were dug into the bottom of the quarry (specifically with amphibians in mind). The renaturation made sense, which was proven by the fact that several species of frogs and newts multiplied in the pools just in the first spring. Return of other species can be expected.
The quarry is also of mineralogical interest: here one can find the kind of minerals that are created when limestone comes into contact with magnesium mineral bands. Above all, we encounter vesuvianite (with brownish acicular crystal groups that are up to several centimetres in size). Occurrences of wollastonite and of the beautifully coloured diopside, grossular, pyrhotine and fluorite have also been reported.
As part of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme, the local Vlašim chapter of the ČSOP has built a safe observation deck on the edge of the quarry in 2016, and installed three info panels about local nature, both living and abiotic.