Youth Environmentalists contests

Since motivating children and teenagers for a close relationship with nature is more and more challenging in today's world, in 2013, NET4GAS decided to expand its NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme by adding support to natural-science contests “Zlatý list” (Golden Leaf) and “Ekologická olympiáda” (Environmental Olympics), organized by the CSOP Young Environmentalists.

Although there are many specialized contests for children and teenagers, most of them are overly academic. Competing youngsters are gathered in a stuffy room where they spend the entire time completing tasks or writing tests. At the end, the same room serves for announcing the results.

Organized by the CSOP Young Environmentalists, the Golden Leaf and Environmental Olympics are established natural-science contests that aspire to be different. Unlike other competitions, their purpose is to lure competing children and teenagers into the natural world and inspire them for various outdoors activities. Focus is concentrated on putting knowledge and skills into use in dealing with specific problems and on developing kids' ability to work in a team. Finally, the best competitors meet with specialists in the open to complete various field assignments on the competition trail.

Golden Leaf is a nation-wide competition for students of elementary schools and junior high schools. Environmental Olympics is a nation-wide contest for high-school students.

Golden Leaf web-site
Environmental Olympics web-site
Young Environmentalists web-site