Trip of the month

Moses Spring – Emperor's Stone

Thanks to the Armillaria chapter of the ČSOP and the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme, the ecologically very valuable region between Jablonec nad Nisou and Liberec has as of 2010 its own educational trail, on which hikers learn interesting facts about nature, wildlife, the importance of forest land, and its inhabitants. Visitors may also put their insights and knowledge about nature to the test by answering a number of quiz questions.

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St. Vitus Guild educational trail reopens after 13 years

14.10.2024 Following a comprehensive refurbishment, the St. Vitus Guild educational trail, running through a former military training ground between the municipalities of Trstěnice, Drmoul, Chodovská Huť, and Tři Sekery in the Marienbad (Mariánské Lázně) region, has reopened to the public. The refurbishment project was carried out by the Kladská chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) under the auspices of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme.

A new education trail inaugurated at Michlova Huť in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Forest (Šumava)

01.11.2023 This new educational mini-trail was opened to the public yesterday in a festive ceremony near the hamlet of Michlova Huť (in the Vimperk district). It was built by the Bohemian Forest chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP Šumava) under the auspices of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme.

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About the project

NET4GAS pursues a responsible policy aimed at protecting nature and the environment with respect to current and future generations. This principle not only underlies the company’s responsible entrepreneurship in gas transmission but is also the basis for its long-term strategy of corporate philanthropy and sponsorship, which has been implemented under the programme NET4GAS Closer to Nature since 2007. NET4GAS has been systematically providing long-term support to projects where a major aspect of sustainable development is expressed by precisely that motto – “Closer to Nature” – and is one of the largest corporate donors in the field of nature conservation in the Czech Republic.

2015 award for a large company
for long-term support of the
Czech Union for Nature Conservation

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Ico EncyclopediaSelect from the encyclopedia

White Helleborine
A perennial with erect stem, its flowers are a creamy white. It flowers from May to July. The flowers open rarely, as the plant usually self-pollinates inside the flower. It grows primarily in deciduous forests and on forest edges, but can occasionally also be found on non-shaded sites, usually in alkaline soils.

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