Chlum Quarry

The Chlum quarry lies on the edge of the national natural reserve Karlštejn and serves as the gateway to the largest cave system within the Český kras (Czech Karst). It is famous for the occurrence of Pheasant's Eye; the Common Kestrel nests in the quarry's walls. The Chlum cave is an important wintering shelter for bats, and an eminent point of interest for palaeontologists on a European scale. Well-preserved skeletons of cave lions and hyenas from the Quaternary period were found inside.

The unique appearance of the quarry and its surroundings have also made it a popular location among filmmakers.

Detailed information on the local history, fauna, and flora can be found on an information panel that was erected in 2008 near the quarry's edge, along with a bench, by the local ČSOP chapter, Nyctalus, with the support of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme.

place:Srbsko, District of Beroun, Central Bohemian Region
Way there:The quarry lies on the hill above Srbsko. Follow the green hiking trail (in the direction of Solvayovy lomy) for a ways. Once you are on the hill above the village, leave the trail and take the field road in the direction of the Berounka Valley. GPS: N 49°56.72898', E 14°8.05698'
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