Bohumilice Avenue
The avenue, which offers gorgeous vistas of the surrounding landscape, was plagued by the declining health of some of the trees. Thanks to the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme, the Šumava (Bohemian Forest) chapter of the ČSOP removed withered and cracked branches from 25 trees and installed safety braces - straps and steel ropes - to protect trunks and crowns. Two ancient tree torsos were secured against disintegration, and thus preserved for insects, whose lifecycle is dependent on wood, and as a potential nesting place for hollow-nesting birds.
An information panel installed on the avenue explains the importance of such tree lines and the need for their protection. Those on a walk may want to take a rest, as the canopy road stretches for almost one kilometre, which is why a table with benches and a separate bench were installed at the point with the greatest view. The project was rounded off by issuing a brochure in several languages providing additional information about the avenue and its surroundings.