Around the Palace Pond
Eight info panels describe the origins of the pond, as well as key animals and plants living in and around the pond. Floating nesting grounds have been built on the north-western bank to accommodate ducks, coots, and grebes. The creators of the trail also thought to add nesting boxes for songbirds, large birds, and owls. A major attraction is the mammal’s station, which offers views of a beaver lodge and dam, with examples of trees on which this rodent has done its work.
The educational trail also includes “Grandpa’s Fountain”, which has been refurbished and is fully functional. The trail is fitted with benches, and a (non-canopied) resting area with a table for longer breaks; it is accessible along its entire length to all age categories, cyclists, and handicapped persons with assistance. The trail is marked in both directions – to and from the pond embankment and the “U pytláka” restaurant, respectively.
The educational trail “Around the Palace Pond” was built by the local ČSOP chapter associated with the Šluknov Forestry School, as a part of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme.