Litovice Pond Bird-Watching Spot
Since the beginning of 2012, a new bird-watching deck at the Litovice Pond that is owed to the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme makes it easier to observe them all. A nearby information panel provides visitors with additional information on the birds that can be watched. The observation spot is part of the local educational trail "Hostivické rybníky" (Hostivice Ponds), which is 2.5 km long.
place:Litovice-Hostivice, District of Praha-západ, Central Bohemian Region
Way there:The observation spot is right on the shore of Litovice Pond, and is about 1 km from the bus stop Hostivice, Litovice. Take the bus from Zličín metro station or the Bílá hora public transport stop in Prague, or the train from Masarykovo nádraží or Praha-Dejvice. GPS: N 50°4.40130', E 14°14.91340'
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