A new destination in the White Carpathians – a wetland with the most plentiful appearance of Early Marsh Orchid

The Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) with its general partner, the NET4GAS company, presented another natural site to the public. The wetland meadow lures visitors through rare plants, a restored natural spring with benches to sit down and rest on for a while and through even a reptile bed.

The location having an area of a half of hectare was preserved in 2007 thanks to the efforts of Ms. Vlasta Ondrová, the chairwoman and founder of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation Basic Organisation named Pantoflíček. The wetland was then mowed with the use of a tractor that sank from time to time into the water-soaked subsoil. To haul it out, other tractors had to be used, and the locality was thus devastated. On this ground, the White Carpathians Conservation Area Administration decided in 1996 to exclude the locality from the network of conservation areas. “I could not resign myself to the inauspicious fate of the territory and so I arrived at a conclusion to exchange the field inherited from my parents for this wetland,” Vlasta Ondrová said. The location thus became one of the CR's “private reserves” whose number is steadily growing. The Pantoflíček organisation takes care of the location itself nowadays and it ensures its regular cutting with a mower.

The state of the wetland has improved to such an extent that the White Carpathians Nature Conservation Area Administration is again going to declare the location together with a following valley of the Kasivec brook small-scale conservation area. After all, the appearance of Early Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza incarnata) in the location has increased six times since 2007 (from 500 to 3000 plant pieces).

“It's great to see that the resolution and efforts of volunteers has brought such results. We are pleased that our company can help such projects for already six years within the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme,” said Radek Benčík, Managing Director of NET4GAS.

Of rare plants appearing here, it is, for instance, a meadow fern Southern adderstongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum) and an orchid Traunsteinera globosa which is extraordinarily susceptible to soil quality. Wetland plants are sought after many various butterflies. Also, fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) and fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) belong to the dwellers of the wetland meadow. A reptile bed, looking as enclosed fireplace, has been built here for snakes and lizards. More information not only about it can be found on a new information board standing just at the meadow.

You can get to the meadow both on foot and by bike on a pleasant, 5 km long path running through a forest. Not only sportsmen but also common tourists will certainly appreciate the opportunity of refreshment and rest on wooden benches (from trunks) at the natural spring.


For more details please contact:


Lucie Matulová
Office of the ČSOP Central Executive Council
phone no.: 731 760 872
e-mail: info@csop.cz


Vlasta Ondrová
ZO ČSOP Pantoflíček
phone no.: 776 716 704
e-mail: o.vlasta@seznam.cz 


Milan Řepka
NET4GAS spokesperson
phone no.: 739 537 461


The Czech Union for Nature Conservation is a civic association of people who share an active interest in nature conservation and the environment. ČSOP‘s mission is to protect and restore nature, the landscape and the environment, to promote environmental education and support sustainable living. The Union currently has 9,000 members coming from the ranks of professional naturalists, experienced volunteers as well as pure enthusiasts who simply love nature. In 2009, ČSOP celebrated its 30th anniversary. For more information please go to www.csop.cz.

NET4GAS is aware of its social responsibility and therefore develops and constantly deepens its concept of corporate philanthropy and sponsorship. The company acts as a reliable and safe gas transmission system operator and develops a responsible environmental policy that takes into account the interests of future generations. The NET4GAS long-term strategy - which is put into practice through the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme - springs from the close relation between the line of business pursued by NET4GAS on the one hand, and nature-conservation and environmental issues on the other. NET4GAS is the general partner of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation since 2007 and supports other projects for which the motto “Closer to Nature” represents an integral part of sustainable development. For detailed information on the locations newly opened to the public and on other natural spots of interest, as well as for destination tips, please visit www.closertonature.cz.




A new destination in the White Carpathians – a wetland with the most plentiful appearance of Early Marsh Orchid