We Have Supported


You don't climb trees? You're really missing out!

Among other things, the guided tours of the ramparts of the chateau in Pardubice also showcased the expert work of tree-climbing arborists and modern techniques for determining the health status of trees - always with a hands-on demonstration involving sending visitors up the trees. Other highlights included the symbolic planting of three lime trees that are to replace old trees having reached the end of their lives. The project was overseen by Centaurea – the Society for Landscape Monitoring and Management.

Handicapped-friendly Access to Falco Animal Shelter

Falco, a rescue center for injured animals, has repeatedly relied on our help. This time, the ‘Falco’ chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) used our contribution for retrofitting their back entrance, providing handicapped-friendly access. The rationale behind this conversion was that the center does not only serve as a rescue shelter for injured animals, but also as an exposition space, where animals that have been permanently incapacitated and are no longer fit for release back into the wild can be viewed.

Deer and Pheasants Protection near Nové Město na Moravě

The hunters’ club “Zubří” came up with a project to increase the number of deer and pheasants. Pheasants, in particular, are an endangered species, as they face many natural predators and have difficulty surviving the winter. As part of this project, local hunters attempted to build canopied feeding installations, where pheasants could find food during winter months. Part of our donation went towards fodder for deer.

More Nature-themed Articles on Ekolist.cz Server

Ekolist.cz is a server geared towards nature and the environment. It is operated by BEZK (the Brontosauruses’ Environmental Center "Green Club" – Brontosauří ekocentrum Zelený klub), who used the donation from NET4GAS to pay authors and editors who contribute news articles and op-ed columns for the server.

Turning Military Installations into Valuable Pastures

Near the municipality of Milovice lies an abandoned military training ground, which the organization “Česká krajina” (Czech Landscape) wishes to turn into 40 hectares of pasture. The revitalization of these pastures is to ultimately facilitate the breeding of the rare Exmoor pony, which was not previously bred in the Czech Republic. However, restoring this rare swath of pristine land also means that rare exothermic plants and animals - chiefly butterflies - will also be able to gradually expand.

Family-friendly Educational Trail through Forest Wetlands of Stonewood Park

NET4GAS helped the organization Stonewood build an educational mini-trail near Rápošov. The centerpiece of the project consisted of building a 70 m walkway made of wooden logs through a previously inaccessible part of a compact forest wetland. The path not only evokes the atmosphere of untouched nature, but also leads visitors among intriguing flora and fauna.

Sheep-powered Landscaping

A little way from Litvínov lie the lush meadows of NATURA 2000, which, among other things, serve as the courtship and mating ground of the black grouse. These fields require upkeep, but the deployment of landscaping technology often resulted in injuries to wildlife. For this reason, NET4GAS supported a project by the Klíny chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP – Local Chapter No. 39/02 - Klíny), which replaced machinery with sheep. The sheep graze the meadows and thus provide low-impact landscaping services; besides, they also ensure that the site is fertilized with all-organic manure.


Clean-up of Illegal Garbage Dumps near Dražov

The hunters’ club “Zelený hájek” ventured to remove all illegal garbage dumps within the borders of their municipality, Dražov, and to transfer any discarded garbage that they found to the official landfill. The task was handled with aplomb over several weekends by scores of volunteers and local inhabitants. And who was the main organizer of the event? An employee of NET4GAS.

Deer Protection in Šumava Forests

Thanks to funds extended by NET4GAS, members of the hunters’ club “Vltava Volary” were able to buy fodder for deer to survive in the forests of the Šumava, especially during winter months. Apples, salt, hay, bread, and other foodstuff was regularly replenished in mangers and at other feeding sites, so that wild animals did not have to travel long distances to get food and unduly exhaust themselves in the process.

Garden Classroom and Greenhouse for Environmental Education

That a dilapidated shed could be transformed into a shrine of environmental education is owed at least in part to the financial donation that went to the parish congregation of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. And thus the “Garden Classroom” (Zahradní učebna), designed for working with plants, but also serving as a ceramics workshop, has come into existence, supplementing the earlier installations of Grandpa’s Workshop (Dědova dílna) and the Barn-House Gallery (Galerie stodola). Right next to the Garden Classroom, a new greenhouse has been put up, where seedlings are handled and where pottery classes make use of the extra sunlight.

Protection of Wild Animals of Forest and Field

The Chrášťovice area reports atrociously low counts of the European (or brown) hare, in spite of a hunting ban that has been in place since 1990. Helping to bring up their numbers, and that of other animals, are supplementary feeding installations that make it easier for animals to find sustenance in winter. The hunters’ club “Kamená” invested NET4GAS’s donation into grains, maize, salt, and medicaments for animals of the forest and field.

First-aid Animal Rescue Center

The Falco rescue center near Litoměřice offers intensive care for injured wild animals that, e.g. got burned by power lines, hit by cars, etc. A donation for the Litoměřice Chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) helped complete a ward inside the station, with cages and chambers for the post-treatment recovery of animals, which in one stroke improves the quality of care and makes work easier for staff at the center.

Furnishings for Wallachia Environmental Center (Valašské ekocentrum)

In 2013, NET4GAS made yet another contribution to the Wallachia Environmental Center. The building, which was successfully restored as part of last year’s efforts, now needed to be furnished, and the Northern Moravian Regional Chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) thus used the donation to buy wooden furniture, including cabinets, desks, and bookshelves.

Making Hiking Destinations in Ore Mountains More Attractive

The Ore Mountains are a treasure trove for outdoor tourism, but some hard-to-reach destinations have suffered from neglect. A project initiated by the Association of Ore Mountain Municipalities has sought to modernize local infrastructure and provide access to locations that are interesting to the hiker and invaluable to Mother Nature.


Protection of Peat Bogs in Ore Mountains

This project of the Teplice chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) was aimed at the protection of peat bogs and springs in the Ore Mountains, and in particular at the retention of water in natural habitats. Sufficient supplies of water are a necessary requirement for local habitats to optimally fulfill their roles, and many rare animal and plant species (most of which are on the Red List of endangered plants and animals) crucially depend on them. Within the course of the project, small watercourses were revitalized and their channels preserved, and pools were created for small amphibious species.

Animal Welfare in Ústí nad Labem Region

The Litoměřice chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) received a contribution from us towards the operation of their rescue center, where they administer first aid to injured wildlife and orphaned offspring. Each year, this shelter saves the lives of up to 800 animals in need, and provides a permanent home to those that have suffered permanent injuries preventing their release back into the wild. Our contribution primarily went towards animal feed and operational costs of the rescue center.

Restoration of Natural Amphitheater in Tvrdonice

A donation went to the municipality of Tvrdonice so that they could revitalize and restore the vegetation that forms a crucial part of their natural amphitheater. This beautiful amphitheater seats up to two thousand people and is a popular venue for festivals, concerts, county fairs, and other social events. A typical event is the local song-and-dance festival “Podluží v písni a tanci”.

Continuing Rejuvenation of Milešovka Mountain

2012 saw the continuation of our joint efforts alongside the charitable organization “Milešovka” to revitalize the peak of the mountain of the same name in the Central Bohemian Uplands. A pivotal point this year was to disseminate the news of two circular educational trails near Milešovka, which focus on the causes and effects of thunderstorms and on the impact of garbage on nature.

Creation of Wallachia Environmental Center (Valašské ekocentrum)

We lent a helping hand to the Northern Moravian Regional Chapter of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) towards building an environmental center on land previously occupied by barracks in Valašské Meziříčí. Aside from the main building, the center comprises living gardens, an orchard, and a barn-house. It serves all members of the general public, operating educational and cycling trails, organizing expert seminars, excursions, lectures, and round-table discussions on environmental topics, as well as lessons in traditional folk handicrafts.