Being Closer to Nature is our corporate social responsibility

NET4GAS is both a reliable and safe gas transmission system operator, and at the same time pursues a responsible policy aimed at protecting nature and the environment for current and future generations. The commercial operations of NET4GAS are very closely connected with the issue of nature conservation, as during both the construction and the operation of its gas infrastructure it must comply with strict environmental standards. In fact, its concern for the natural environment extends even beyond the requirements of legislation, meaning rather a question of corporate social responsibility. It is this principle which underlies the long term strategy of corporate philanthropy and sponsorship which has been implemented under the programme NET4GAS Closer to Nature since 2007.

NET4GAS has been systematically providing long term support to projects where a major aspect of sustainable development is expressed by precisely that motto   “Closer to Nature”. NET4GAS is a long-term general partner to the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (CSOP). They together participate on presenting precious nature locations to the public, which often host rare or endangered species of flora and fauna. They build nature trails, watch-outs, information boards or interactive elements with the aim to attract and entertain the public on one hand, and raise interest in its protection and respect on the other. Moreover, NET4GAS is a state-wide partner to natural-science contests “Zlatý list” (Golden Leaf) and “Ekologická olympiáda” (Environmental Olympics), organized by the CSOP Young Environmentalists, general partner to projects of Beleco association and main partner to Naše příroda association in publishing the magazine of the same name ("Our Nature). The company helps also other organizations in their projects.

The web-site, which you are just visiting, serves as a communication platform of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme. We will be glad if you share your opinions or experiences from visiting our locations with us!